Milan - Bologna 5/1 2011 15:00 The Night of the Champions?
It was certainly better in the first half, but since the 3/4 of it, the play looked like it just was fading away.

I really don't understand all the bashing towards the team and Allegri. Every team has its good and bad games, you can't expect always the team to play brilliantly. Luckily we got the victory, that's the most important thing after all.

"We are a team of devils. Our colours are red as fire, and black, to invoke fear in our opponents!"
Herbert Kilpin

Nella gioia e nell' dolore, per il Milan eterno amore!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Milan - Bologna 5/1 2011 15:00 The Night of the Champions? - by theaxeofpain - 05-01-2011, 05:00 PM