06-11-2012, 02:21 PM
This summer can be seriously disturbing. So i`m cooling off on this rumors and stuff. i seriously hope that we will not sell T.Silva, that will only show the real level of this club. Its not like we have been great lately either, but we managed to make a decent competitive team with Thiago, Ibra, Robinho,Boateng,Cassano and Pato. It will all go down the drain. And this is my objective side talking.
My subjective side will be devastated if we lose Thiago. Thiago by all means was a replacement for Paolo. After Paolo (the reason why I love Milan) Thiago is my second favorite ever.
My subjective side will be devastated if we lose Thiago. Thiago by all means was a replacement for Paolo. After Paolo (the reason why I love Milan) Thiago is my second favorite ever.
No ho visto Superman volare, ma ho visto Super Pippo segnare. I supereroi esistono davvero.