(06-04-2012, 04:24 PM)Hasan Rossonero Wrote: El Mago...stay calm.
Read what Dev and I posted...
Kaka rumours were similar. Actually AS went a step further and fabricated transcripts. Galliani was actually unequivocal about T. Silva: He has no price, and he loves Milan and the president loves him. Btw, this is nothing...Sport and other outlets will take it much further soon. Be prepared.
But I do disagree with dev that T. Silva will stay with us forever. He won't. IMO, we will be senza T. Silva in 2013.
Read 2 Bold Parts. Stay Clam, but we will be Without TSilva in 2013. Those 2 don't mix,

More than our garbage transfer campaign, it's the quotes that bother me. Galliani and Berlusconi act like we have a great squad, and we're powerful. They must be using the ancient Sun Tszu's Art of War...
"Act as you are strong when you are weak, and act weak when you're strong"
They pretend this is a good team. I would be much happier if they said Milan are in a long term rebuilding period, we're broke, and we will hope to make Europa League next year. We need to let go some players and liquidate our debt, and we will try to sign some Bosman Players. Then we will sign younger guys and hope to build for future. Then, I'd be fine. But they cannot say that because Ibra will go nuts and leave, and the whole team could fall apart.
As GeoTav said, the idea we need to "resist" selling our best player like the temptation of cheating on your wife with a gorgeous young girl. It lacks class and makes Milan appear weak. I don't like it one bit.....