(06-02-2012, 05:15 PM)Gabriel426 Wrote: Remembered how a few yrs ago, before the scandal, there was a strong rumor that Moggi was going to be appointed GM of Milan and Galli will be e VP. It is just something that crossed my mind, maybe all along Berlu wants to spend but he does not trust Galli any more due to all one bad contracts over the past few yrs. even now with close to free players, Galli still makes mistakes after mistakes, look at the Mesbah deal, the Mexes deal, or even the Merkel deal, lastly, although the Pirlo thing was not Galli thought but looking at how Pirlo performed and the lack of creativity from Milan Mids, Berlu might just think Galli is no longer fit for the job.
Moggi is a dirty man, but I would welcome him to Milan. After all, nobody is clean in Italia calcio.
(06-02-2012, 05:29 PM)Acmir Wrote:(06-02-2012, 04:36 PM)xudong Wrote: I can't believe how inefficient Galliani is. Everything believed that Acerbi should have been Milan player by now, but it is just not happening. Is it really just over a few hundred thousand?
Well I can believe it because I've seen it for years now.
I know we don't play with wingers but what do you think about Estigarribia? I remember some great games from him for Paraguay.
I don't know this guy enough to form an opinion, but I generally dislike any Gobbi.
aka xudong