PATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IS BACK hahaha i almost criedd when he scored today i was so happy i hope he keeps in shape
Whoever wrote that is an absolute jack ass. the fact that were broke is pure media speculation all from ibra saying those stupid words, still like ibra?
I hope berlu shuts these F*ks up and spends big
(05-31-2012, 02:37 AM)Stitch Wrote: I can't believe a sane person could support LeBrick
this kind of articles is why I truly HATE everything that comes from goal.crap
another one of their pure bullshits, articles written without single quote, speculative idiotic text marked as EXCLUSIVE.
rot in hell whoever made up this pile of shit and posted it on their site.
Whoever wrote that is an absolute jack ass. the fact that were broke is pure media speculation all from ibra saying those stupid words, still like ibra?
I hope berlu shuts these F*ks up and spends big