05-29-2012, 12:10 PM
(05-29-2012, 12:00 PM)ACMILAN1983 Wrote: Ryo, I'm not sure if you're suggesting Chelsea developed Ramires, but if so I ought to mention he was already pretty well known before joining Chelsea.
Not exactly suggesting that mate, but trying to indicate a point:
When you have a young player on the team who is well known, pretty talented and earning decent reviews, you don't send him out to some two-bit team for playing time, hoping he develops the way you want him to.
Hell no, you sit him on OUR TEAM'S bench and develop him along with the team in the EXACT way that you MEAN for him to. Granted he won't get much playing time at first, but thats why he's suppose to be here. He's suppose to have the talent to play himself into the team, into contention with the minutes that are given to him. Isn't that what Kaka and Pato did for us back then? Isn't that how Maldini started off? Not playing for some Gubbio or Torino, but actually subbing into and out of our team, playing and training with our first team players and learning the ropes and the proper system from the team.
Sending younger talent down for development makes sense. But sending players on the fringe of/already playing for the first team down to teams that don't even play our type of football accomplishes what exactly?
We got the young 'un's. We take out big gunzÂ