No way galliani will pay 8 million for maxi,a fifth striker,it's ridiculous! 0.8 million is the sum we should pay.
VP definitely is a much better striker than torres right now.I'm talking torres because he can be surprisingly a big bagain this term,also I have faith in our coaching staff that they can bring back the best out of torres.a liverpool time torres is great for us,the typical type we need to counter barca or real.while VP is a excessive luxuary cause we already have the best score sheet in serie-A.
I still think LB is our No1 priority.allegri can do magics on any free bagain midfielders he get to form a very very solid midfield.and we have super ibra,our attack line only needs some diversification to add counter efficiency.while quality LB is such a rare commodity around the world,we should seize the chance when a good LB that we can afford appears.
VP definitely is a much better striker than torres right now.I'm talking torres because he can be surprisingly a big bagain this term,also I have faith in our coaching staff that they can bring back the best out of torres.a liverpool time torres is great for us,the typical type we need to counter barca or real.while VP is a excessive luxuary cause we already have the best score sheet in serie-A.
I still think LB is our No1 priority.allegri can do magics on any free bagain midfielders he get to form a very very solid midfield.and we have super ibra,our attack line only needs some diversification to add counter efficiency.while quality LB is such a rare commodity around the world,we should seize the chance when a good LB that we can afford appears.
May god with chinese footbball