03-13-2012, 03:09 PM
(03-13-2012, 01:55 PM)ZvonimirBoban Wrote: . I think the highest possibility is Kolarov though. He was in Serie A, played good too, defensively and offensively balanced, not bad in either. And the most important one, he is not a first-team in his club and maybe are unsettled.
I don't see how this will happen , City paid 19 million for him in euro , and if they do let him go they'll want the same or more.He is 18 months into his city career and has played 60 games not exactly a back up player.
He would be great for us , but call me a pessimist looking at our transfer policy and our renewing of player's until they can't run and having Nini , Zambro , Mesbah and Urby I don't think they are even thinking about a new LB..Cheap out of contract or almost out of contract is what we go for..so to come out with a 17-20 million for Kolorov I just see it not happening.