I read quite a bit of fantasy and Malazan is to date the only series I gave up on. It was just getting too hard to keep track of all the names and the places and the amazingly cryptic writing. If you are a slow reader however, go for it coz the story still is good.
Off late I read, The Lions of Al Rassan, Under Heaven, River of Stars, all by Guy Gaveriel Kay. If you like your heart being broken by the twists at the end then give him a go. The guy;'s writing style is unique and I like it very much.
If you want an easy to read, fun book with loads of politics then give Jennifer Fallon a go. Her Hythrun Chronicles and second sons series are pretty good, easy read.
Also Please read The Accursed Kings. It was the inspiration for Game of Thrones and all the 6 books in the series are incredible and based on real French History.
and of course, Wheel of time. That is still my favorite fantasy series. 14 books. Incredible story. It does go slowish and very descriptive around book 8 but if you can make your way through that, it picks up soon after.
Others I Liked were the First Law Series, the Kingkiller Chronicles (Kvothe ftw), Mistborn, The Broken Empire.
Currently I am reading The House war and the Sun sword series'. Don't read them. The characters are great, the story pretty good too but the writing is beyond amateur. I am doomed to finish the series coz I want to know what happens, but I am raging as the writer goes on random rants, repeats things ad infitum and I have literally given one stars to the books on Goodreads. she is desperate to increase the word count it seems and tries too hard to be like other more successful authors. It is a pity coz had she written it in a normal way, the books would've been a very good read.
I'm pretty similar reza, I read very little fiction these days, but end up reading non-fiction and textbooks a lot more.
I tried reading non-fiction for a bit but quickly got bored. Malcolm Gladwell writes good, easily relatable books in case anyone is interested.
Siamo a posto cosi.
I do read fiction and non-fiction together, especially football stuff. Buying a Kindle years ago was the best decision I ever made. It just makes everything so easy and it is incredible how you can get a lot of reading done during your day with it. I mean we spent a ridiculous amount of time commuting and waiting around for things. Makes it easy to read during those breaks.
My current goal is to finish 52 books this year and so far I am lagging behind.